Event Guide (Rank-based)


  • This guide is intended for the English/Global Version of A3! and is not fully applicable to other servers.
  • This guide is intended for players who have at least a basic understanding of the game (i.e. Rank 70+), who are either F2P or have limited means of obtaining gems, and are interested in tiering.
  • Gameplay optimization and gem saving is focused on rather than player desires and “best boys”.
  • Actor cards available to players will vary and thus individual player experiences may vary.
  • Images and spoilers regarding future banners & events are kept minimal. It does not contain any Part 2 and JP-only content. Links to view spoilers are provided in the respective section.


T1 (Top 0.5%)cutoff for 3 copies of SSR
T2 (Top 1.0%)cutoff for rank badge
T3 (Top 2.0%)cutoff for 2 copies of SSR
T4 (Top 5.0%)cutoff for 3 copies of SR
T5 (Top 10.0%)cutoff for 1 copy of SSR
T6 (Top 20.0%)cutoff for 2 copies of SR
T7 (Top 30.0%)
T8 (Top 40.0%)cutoff for 1 copy of SR
T9 (Top 50.0%)
T10 (Top 60.0%)
T11 (Top 80.0%)
T12 (Top 100.0%)

T1 (0.5%) and T2 (1%) are very competitive and are mainly for bragging rights as they reward exclusive badges.

T3 (2%) is the minimal tier that rewards two copies of the event SSR, and is also competition-heavy.

T5 (10%) is the minimal tier that rewards one copy of the event SSR. T4 (5%) is the least competitive tier of the top five tiers because the difference between its rewards and that of T5 (10%) are minimal (10 more gems and an extra copy of the SR).

T6 (20%) is still a good tier to be in as those who have obtained the SR reward can fully bloom their SR.

Tiers below T6 are for beginners, casual players, and those uninterested in tiering.

Rank prizes are given when the event has concluded.

T1 to T4 reward an extra copy of the SR/SSR. Their only real purpose is the ability to display the unbloomed artwork of the card on your profile. Otherwise, they can be used to level up lead skills (SR = SR coach card, SSR = x2 SR coach cards).

Bonuses from Event Cards (Gacha & Event Rewards)

Every event card you use for a show will give additional bonus points per show.

Duplicate copies of the same card, whether bloomed or unbloomed, count for bonus points. The only disadvantage to using the same actor's card twice or more is having less actor slots for team skills.

Seasonal bonus - pts/card

Unbloomed 50 100 150
Bloomed + 175 225 275
Bloomed ++ 325 375 425

Small bonus - pts/card

Unbloomed 50 100
Bloomed + 175 225
Bloomed ++ 325 375

Seasonal bonus - items/card

Unbloomed 1 1 2
Bloomed + 2 2 3
Bloomed ++ 3 4 4

Small bonus - items/card

Unbloomed 1 1
Bloomed + 2 2
Bloomed ++ 3 4

There are two types of bonuses: Seasonal bonus (indicated by the "Star icon") and small bonus (indicated by the "Sparkle icon").

Seasonal bonus - applied to the gacha event cards associated with the event. Prior to the 10th event, "Captain Sky's Pirates", all event cards gave the seasonal bonus.

Small bonus - applied to the free event reward cards (starting from the 10th event) and the Birthday cards. The Birthday card bonuses only apply if the event ends within the card's birth month.

Seasonal bonus - stat multipliers

Unbloomed x2
Bloomed + x3
Bloomed ++ x4

Small bonus - stat multipliers

Unbloomed x1.1
Bloomed + x1.2
Bloomed ++ x1.3

Theater (Cast Event Play)

If the event has a play, event tickets (troupe tickets for troupe events) will be given from the point rewards and rarely from practice. Base points are 500 per ticket. These points are typically insignificant unless you have a high number of event cards, but every point counts.

Every event card you use gives additional bonus points per ticket. However, unlike shows each unique actor will only count once. You can’t use both the unbloomed & bloomed version of the same card for additional points. Besides that, it doesn't matter where the actors are placed (Supporting Actor D counts too).

An extra 3,500 Pts!


Wait until you've obtained the event SR and/or SSR card before using all of your tickets for the maximum amount of bonus points.

If you're the forgetful type or just want to be safe, use one ticket for the 100% completion badge and save the rest of the tickets for after you have the event SR/SSR. The completion badge will not be available after the event ends.

If you have the R gacha card, watch a play with the original cast AFTER the event ends, since you can obtain the "Original cast and costumes" badge anytime.

Only bloomed event cards double as original, so you can't use the unbloomed SR/SSR rewards as original cast.

Friend and Guest Supports

  • The game encourages you to use different supports throughout the day (the number 10 indicating friend points will show if you haven't used them yet), because using the same friend/guest too many times in a day makes them disappear for a while, limiting your support options.
  • Who shows up on your support list also seems to be determined by time. If you can't find a specific friend or guest on your list, wait 5-10 minutes before updating again for a chance of the supports changing. But sometimes a friend/guest just won't appear no matter how many times you update.
  • If you send a friend request to another player and it stays as pending, then you cannot see or use that player’s cards until the request is either accepted/deleted by the receiver or revoked by you (the sender). This is because the game doesn’t allow you to send a request again to the same player while a current request is pending. (Using a guest support prompts you to send a friend request)
  • In a less popular event, it can be more difficult to find event cards.
  • Friend and guest supports are limited based on the player's "friend range"; a specific range of players you can see (who can also see you) that is possibly tied to your player ID. This range is only a tiny percentage of the entire player base and likely expands as new players join. This is why many players you see in the rankings will never show up on your support list.
    • THEORY: During The Stranger event, there were around 12,000 players who participated in the event, and ~1,200 players (Top 10%) who received the SSR reward. With two fully bloomed cards with max lead skills, I was receiving 110 usages on average by players daily. I would estimate the range to be about 120 active players (Top 10%) or about 1,200 including all of the inactive/casual players. Let's say the total player base is 120,000 (reasonable guess based on the number of app downloads). Then 1% of all players can see my supports.
  • It may be advantageous to have friends outside of your "friend range" so that you have a larger pool of supports to choose from. You can find players outside of your range by searching for players in the "Find" section in-game (which refreshes from time to time). You can also add players off-site or have them add you from an alternate account.
  • Share your gacha cards if you've pulled them to thank friends and guests who helped you! To set your supporting actors, go to Edit Team, then the Show tab. The lead actors for the first three teams (Comedy, Action, Drama) can be used by friends and guests.

General Tips

(I won't count the first few hours after maintenance as a full event day for simplicity's sake. Events last either 9 or 10 full days.)

  • Do all four types of shows (Matinee, Soiree, Finale, Encore) at least once each for the 1st-time gems.
  • Know how long the event will last. Events used to last 10 days, but now they last only 9 days. This can cause some players to be unable to reach their goal in time, particularly the 1.15mil SSR reward.
  • The first two to three days of an event is the "Honeymoon" phase, when the event is fresh and exciting and many players will rush to get to the top. The days in the middle of the event (5, 6, 7, 8) slow down as players exhaust their gems and kame boxes. The event will pick up again on the last day, but there will be a notable amount of players who will stop trying after reaching certain milestones (particularly the 1.15mil SSR reward).
  • Manage your resources carefully throughout the event. You will be showered with prizes in the first two days, but they can dry up just as quickly. Keep an eye on the upcoming kame boxes and bento you'll receive as you inch closer to reward milestones.
  • Don't hoard all of your items until the very last day unless you think you can use them all quickly enough.
  • There is some RNG when it comes to getting event shows. For every event practice you do, at least one event show is guaranteed to pop up at some point. The exact percentages are unknown, but it is suspected that Matinees have a slightly higher chance of appearing than Soirees and Finales. Encores are said to appear 25% of the time after doing any of the other three shows.
  • You don't have to do every show. A show that expires stays at the same level the next time you encounter it. The level will only go down (level 1 minimum) if you cancel it.
  • Sleeping is highly recommended.

If you are not ranking:

  • Patience is key; don’t worry about your ranking in the first 3 days of an event. Your ranking should stabilize by the 4th day.
  • You shouldn't have an issue with LP running out.


    Use most of them for the Friday/Weekend practices for trophies and coach cards. Consider saving at least one or two of them for the remainder of the event in case, or rely on rank up refills/the ones you'll get from rewards later on.
  • Kame buns/boxes:

    save for Encores.

If you plan to rank:

  • Be prepared! Set up your teams with optimal team skills in advance and keep in mind other possible team skill combos you could use once you obtain the event SR/SSR. Have trophies and coach cards handy in case you need them.
  • Your ranking should stabilize by the 2nd day.
  • It's possible to get by with just free LP and not have to spend gems on LP refills.


    save them for the event practices. You can probably use some for the Friday/Weekend practices, but always keep enough on hand for the amount of gems you plan to use.
  • Kame buns/boxes:

    if you plan to spend gems on refills, they are interchangeable with gems. Otherwise, save them for Encores.
  • Borderline Fighting & Safety:

    last-day borderline fighting between those close to the borderline and those just underneath it can be hectic and stressful, especially during the Bloodbath (the last two hours before an event ends). Alternatively, you can attempt to rank higher than you normally have to for security. You are considered "safe" when you are in a position that is much higher than the borderline of your goal tier and can stop playing during the Bloodbath. This position varies by tier and by event competitiveness, but generally you should be safe within the "Top 30%" of the tier. The safe range includes players who are trying to get into the tier above them, thus being safe in their own tier. Estimated safe points:
    • For T1 (Top 0.5%), the safe range is 0.1%-0.3% due to the larger point gaps in this tier. Players near the bottom of 0.4% and below are not safe and must keep doing shows to keep their rank. Most players will only be fighting over 0.5%. The competition in 0.4-0.5% is the highest out of any tier.
    • For T2 (Top 1%), the safe range is 0.6%. The competition in this tier is the second highest. Bottom of 0.7% and below are not safe.
    • For T3 (Top 2%), the safe range is 1.1%-1.2%. The competition in this tier is also very high. Players in 1.3% might be safe. Bottom of 1.4% and below are not safe.
    • For T4 (Top 5%), the safe range is 2.1%-4.0%. Due to the much lower competition, players even at 4.5% might be safe.
    • If more than 10% of all players achieve the 1.15mil SSR reward on the last day, there is competition to secure an extra copy of the SSR. The competition is higher than in T4 (5%), but not as severe as the other tiers. For T5 (Top 10%), the safe range is 5.1%-7.0%. Players at 7.5% might be safe. Bottom of 8.0% and below are not safe.
    • T1 borders can increase as high as 150,000 Pts alone during the Bloodbath of a Troupe event. On average, T2 and T3 borders increase by 110,000 Pts during the Bloodbath. For Seasonal events, T1-T3 on average increase by 1,000 - 1,200 items.

If you don’t have the event cards:

  • Cancel all Matinees. They are not worth doing without event cards.
  • If you are ranking and are spending gems on SP refills, it's recommended to do Soirees for 1 SP max (cancel if it will cost 2). This is because your LP is limited, and doing Soirees give more chances for Encores to show up. Alternatively, you may consider doing Soirees only after you've obtained the event reward SR/SSR, in which case the Soirees are worth slightly more with the bonuses.
  • If you are not ranking, you may or may not choose to do Soirees for 1 SP. In this case, it's recommended to cancel all Soirees alongside Matinees because without event cards, Soirees don’t give as many points compared to Finales and Encores -- plus you won’t be able to do level 19+ Soirees consistently due to the high pass requirements.
  • Do Finales for 2-3 SP max (usually 2-3 SP, 4 SP is not ideal).
  • Do Encores for 3-5 SP max (usually 4-5 SP).

If you do have event cards:

  • You may consider doing Matinees for 1 SP if you expect to be low on LP. Keep in mind that 1 SP Soirees are always worth more points than Matinees (a level 50 Matinee for 1 SP ~= level 15 Soiree for 1 SP).
  • Soirees are worth doing now due to the extra bonus points received per show. You will also be able to do higher level Soirees (19+). Depending on one's bonus points, they can be worth more than 2 SP Finales and even 4 SP Encores.
  • Do Soirees for 1 SP max. Cancel Soiree if you can’t do it for 1 SP.
  • Do Finales for 2 SP max. (3 SP is not ideal)
  • Do Encores for 3-4 SP max.


Type of Show Level Pass show SP Usage Base Pts/SP (0 bonus)
Encore10773,8503 SP3,869 Pts/SP
Encore9644,8503 SP3,224 Pts/SP
Encore10773,8504 SP2,902 Pts/SP
Encore8537,4503 SP2,687 Pts/SP
Finale15353,7502 SP2,476 Pts/SP
Encore10773,8505 SP2,366 Pts/SP
Finale14307,6002 SP2,153 Pts/SP
Finale15353,7503 SP1,651 Pts/SP
Soiree18110,5301 SP1,326 Pts/SP*
Matinee50109,2101 SP1,092 Pts/SP*
Soiree1590,2301 SP1,082 Pts/SP*

* Soirees and Matinees are dependent on one's bonus Pts/show.

Ranking Strategies

There are various ways to play the events depending on the player's timezone, available playtime, playstyle, and amount of gems on hand. Here are some strategies that can be switched back and forth and even combined.

The “Play whenever I want to" strategy

Stress level: Low
Tiers to aim for: T6 and under
Top 20% and under
F2P-Friendly: Yes
Beginner-Friendly: Yes


Just chill.

A relaxing way to play the events. Casual players are just as important in helping the Top 10% rank!


Use up all of your free items. Bento/onigiri will help you rank up for a free refill. Kame buns/boxes will be more valuable than ever.

Log in on at least four different days of the event to get an extra kame box.


Aiming for the SR reward (700k Pts) is a reasonable goal and will put you in the Top 20%. The SSR reward is out of reach, however.


  • No stress.
  • No issues with LP.
  • Minimal effort for decent rewards.


  • Less rewards than higher ranking players.
  • Less training items & rank ups if you don't use up all of your LP/bento.

The “Play every 1 hour and 40 minutes” strategy

Stress level: Average
Tiers to aim for: T4 T5 T6
Top 5% - 20%
F2P-Friendly: Yes
Beginner-Friendly: Yes


1. Obtain the 1.15mil SSR reward in time.

2. Save gems.

Relies on using your natural SP (and LP) refills.

You have 5 SP max (overfills to 10 max). Each SP takes 20 minutes to regenerate. From 0 SP at a timer of 19:59, it takes 1 hour and 40 minutes to completely refill all SP.

Use up as much free SP as possible every time you play. If you need one more SP for a Finale, you can wait for it to regen and maximize your refill timer (that is, if a surprise Encore doesn't show up). If you only have 1 SP remaining and need 3 for a Finale, it is recommended to just let it expire (in this case the timer for full SP will be 20 mins shorter).

App notifications can be turned on to tell you when your SP is full.


I would shorten the wait time to 1 hour and 35 minutes max (or 1h 30m; easier to remember), so that there are still 5-10 minutes to do event practices in case Matinees keep showing up (and you won't "waste" the timer for the next SP regen).

Set an alarm or write down the time for when you should check the app again. And no need to stress if you come back to a full SP bar.

While you are waiting for SP to regen, keep your LP at or under 30 less than the maximum cap (170/200 for Rank 100+). Waiting 1h and 30m means your LP will regen by 30, enough for two event practices.


It's possible to obtain the SSR reward (1.15mil Pts) after playing constantly for 9 days, and still get 8 hours of sleep.


  • Saves gems.
  • Little to no issues with LP.
  • Works for most players.


  • Cannot be optimized all the time due to real life responsibilities.

The “2 SP Finale" strategy

Stress level: High, then Low
Tiers to aim for: T4 T5
Top 5.0% - 10%
F2P-Friendly: Yes
Beginner-Friendly: No


1. Obtain the 1.15mil SSR reward, but quicker.

2. Save gems. Can also be used while ranking.

An optimization strategy for SP spending. Especially ideal for F2P when you don't have the gacha cards.

Once you have enough strong cards, 2 SP Finales of the same attribute as the gacha SSRs/SRs can be done somewhat consistently. The best supports from friends and guests can save you an SP, but sometimes they just won’t appear, even after updating the list.


Do as many 2 SP Finales as you can. They give out the second most points per SP after 3-4 SP Encores.

Cancel all Matinees and Soirees.

Have at least 1 SP on hand before doing more practices.

If it will cost 3 SP to do a Finale, let the timer on them run out (do not cancel). This means you’re going to be checking the app again after waiting 20+ minutes.

The next time you get a show, it "refreshes" and may have a different attribute. Your support list may also change (See: Friend and Guest Supports). Thus, you may be able to do the next Finale for 2 SP.

Only do Finales for 3 SP if your SP is full or close to being refilled.


You can also do 1 SP Soirees to have more chances of Encores appearing. If you had a full 5/5 SP bar and the Encore needs 4 SP, you can spend all of your SP at once!


It's possible to obtain the SSR reward (1.15mil Pts) after playing constantly for 8 days, and still get 8 hours of sleep.

Once you've run out of kame boxes, you might have to ignore Encores or cancel them until you can do them for 3 SP (i.e. cancel at level 10 and do them at level 8/9).


  • Saves SP and earn more Pts/SP on average.
  • Can reach the 1.15mil reward quicker and not worry about rushing on the last day. Can even stop playing the event a day or so earlier.


  • Will run out of LP faster. Not recommended to combine with excessive gem spending, or you may find yourself spending gems on LP as well.
  • Stressful to play the game constantly. Not recommended for long periods of time.

The “Itaru-esque” strategy

Stress level: Average
Tiers to aim for: T1 T2 T3
Top 0.5% - 2.0%
F2P-Friendly: No
Beginner-Friendly: Maybe


Rank, with gacha cards.

So you went all-out on the banner. You have all three of the event cards bloomed once, or perhaps two of them fully bloomed.

Your overpowered cards will help you rank easier due to:

  • Additional bonus points per show (they add up quickly)
  • Less SP to do shows
  • Less gems spent on SP refills compared to those without event cards (besides the amount you blew on the banner).

Spend additional gems on SP refills as needed.

Two common ways to rank:

1. Rush to get the event SSR as soon as possible, then slow down afterwards and maintain one's rank. The SSR can be achieved within 1-2 days.

2. Play gradually everyday, and then spend a ton on the last day(s) to reach one's goal tier. The SSR can be achieved more reasonably on the 4th day.

All in all, the two methods "meet in the middle" by the end of the event and are both viable ways to rank.


Only spend gems on the gacha, and little to none for SP refills. Depending on how competitive the event is, T3 is possible with just one fully bloomed card. But unless you lucked out in the gacha, you'll likely be spending additional gems on top of the gacha for T1/T2.


If you save all of your bento/onigiri for only the event practices, then you can avoid spending any additional gems on LP refills.


  • Standard way to rank easier and compete with the top ranks.
  • Stat boosts really helps for those lacking SSRs and/or a trained roster.
  • Feels rewarding to have powerful cards, doing Encores for 3 SP, and stay consistent in the top ranks.


  • R.I.P. your F2P gems.
  • Most likely have to spend additional gems on top of the gacha to get in the Top 1.0%.
  • Despite the event cards being powerful, is not ideal for beginners as they may not have enough training items to max their cards.

The “No Gacha (Refills only)” strategy

Stress level: High
Tiers to aim for: T1 T2 T3
Top 0.5% - 2.0%
F2P-Friendly: Yes
Beginner-Friendly: No


Rank, without gacha cards.

Is using your gems for SP refills better value than pulling on the gacha banner?

Ask yourself:

  • Do you care about the featured gacha cards? (Best boys?)
  • Will the gacha SSR/SR also be useful in future events? (See: Actor Management)

If not, then you can ignore the gacha altogether.

Generally, spending gems on refills is better value since it is a more guaranteed way to rank highly. Gacha is random and isn't guaranteed to give you the event cards.


Your gems are better spent on Finales and Encores. But if you cancel all Soirees alongside Matinees, you will likely run into issues with LP. Thus, it is highly recommended to do Soirees as well. Save all of your bento for the event!

Regarding the ways to rank: rushing to get the event SSR as soon as possible, then slowing down afterwards is the slightly more efficient method, as it can save you some gems in the long run due to the event SSR's small bonus.


  • Viable way to compete with the top ranks.
  • Not reliant on gacha. Guaranteed way to obtain lots of points, so long as there are enough gems.


  • Not a good strategy for beginners. You will waste a TON of gems without event cards/a properly trained roster.
  • Doesn’t feel as rewarding. You will have to do more shows to get the same amount of points as those with event bonuses.
  • May encounter LP shortages.
  • Must spend excess gems to stay above the borderline. You are at high risk of losing a Bloodbath borderline fight to those with gacha cards.

Rookie Mistakes

  • Accidentally pressing “Start Show” instead of “Cancel” on a Matinee. There is no confirmation to start a show if you have enough SP. (So many Matinees in a row...)
  • Accidentally pressing “Start Show” with the wrong boost amount. Always make sure you will pass a show before confirming! (Ended up wasting an extra SP to pass the show)
  • Being shy of a couple hundred points to passing a Finale or Encore with the ideal SP amount. Figuring out which cards to train at the last minute isn’t the greatest idea. Be prepared if you want to rank! (See: General Tips) (I finished training a card I needed, panicked with seconds on the clock left -- misclicking the wrong boost -- wasting an SP, and then the show expired... yeah...)
  • Waiting for one SP to regenerate and then forgetting to check the app again in time, coming back to an expired timer. It’s handy to write down the time or set an alarm, as short as the timers are, or leave the app idle if it’s only a couple of minutes.
  • Staying up late, then falling asleep in the middle of an event practice or while waiting for SP.


  • In the case of a tie right at the borderline, the number of spots in that tier will temporarily increase for each player with the same amount of points, but will go back to normal as soon as the tie has been broken or the borderline has been overtaken.
  • For Troupe events, the maximum bonus points that can be obtained per show is 2,550 Pts with five fully bloomed SSRs plus a fully bloomed SSR support (425 Pts each). Such a team may or may not be viable as it lacks team skills.
  • For Seasonal events, the max bonus points is 24 Pts (scale to 2,400). These events are a little easier to obtain max bonus points for since ++ SRs give the same bonus points as ++ SSRs. An event with multiple SSRs/SRs (i.e. Say I Do! / Hot Springs) and some luck makes this possible without having a bottomless wallet.

Other EN Server Links

Event guide (Improv)

After clearing 100% flair for all practices, do only the 30 LP practices for Hard battles (5 mins time limit) which have the highest Mankai bonus and give the most tips.

A player may have trouble initially with LP when battles can be won with only 1 SP. At the max level (100), LP should no longer be an issue as the average player would spend 4-5 SP per battle.

You have two chances to activate a lead skill, one from your lead actor and one from the guest actor.

When maxed at Lv4, there is either a 35% chance to activate an "increases enormously" ad-lib skill or a 70%/60% to activate an "increases a lot/increases somewhat" ad-lib skill.

Make sure to have the corresponding lead be the same attribute as the show to have a chance of activating the ad-lib skill. This is not an issue unless the player utilizes the show slots beyond the first three teams.

There is no need to overboost every time. If you're confident at least one ad-lib will activate, 4 SP can potentially achieve full bloom victory. And if nothing activates, hitting Mankai bonus 1.2x or 1.3x is still good.

Max tips for full bloom victory (Mankai bonus 1.4x) is 23,072 before event cards/lucky tips.

Seasonal bonus - tips/card

Unbloomed 30 60 90
Bloomed + 120 150 180
Bloomed ++ 210 240 270

Small bonus - pts/card

Unbloomed 25 50
Bloomed + 100 125
Bloomed ++ 175 200

↑ Bonuses have increased slightly as of Event [#13] "Halloween"

Differences between improv events and rank-based events

  • No PvP ranking!
  • No rewards after event ends.
  • No RNG for obtaining certain battles (besides waiting to get a battle). You will always get a Hard battle from the 30 LP practice. RNG instead comes from the ad-lib skill activation chance.
  • No encores (no need to save kame).
  • Lead skills (1-on-1, coach cards) do not matter. Instead, ad-lib skills are used here (special training, trophies).
  • Bonus points from event cards aren't as significant. To make up for this, the tip amounts scale much higher than the points of rank-based events. Thus, it is easier to obtain all of the event prizes - including the 1.15mil milestone - before the event ends. (There are event prizes past 1.5mil, they just don't show up in-game. They are the exact same as rank-based events.)


Draws from each Box

BOX Tips/Draw Items Total to clear box
Red box 1,500 tips/draw 500 750,000 tips
Blue box 1,750 tips/draw 500 875,000 tips
Yellow box 2,000 tips/draw 500 1,000,000 tips
ALL 1,500 2,625,000 tips

Comparing Prize Pools

Event reward SSR111
Event reward SR111
Premium Tokens x1222
Gems x1505050
Ultra Demon Coach (Co)5
Ultra Demon Coach (Ac)5
Ultra Demon Coach (Dr)5
Lead Actor Trophy51015
Super Demon Coach (Co)51513
Super Demon Coach (Ac)51513
Super Demon Coach (Dr)51513
Supporting Actor Award62622
Spring Flowers51010
Summer Flowers51010
Autumn Flowers51010
Winter Flowers51010
Spring Buds15255
Summer Buds15255
Autumn Buds15255
Winter Buds15255
Demon Coach (Co)361525
Demon Coach (Ac)361525
Demon Coach (Dr)361525
Spring Seeds332030
Summer Seeds332030
Autumn Seeds332030
Winter Seeds332030

Draws are luck-based, selected from a limited prize pool.

You may choose to clear out the Red box and then work on the Blue box as draws cost the cheapest, or you may go for the boxes that are "worth" the most. Arguably, the Blue box is worth slightly more overall than the Red box (less seeds & N coach cards), while the Yellow box is worth slightly more than either of the other boxes (SR coach cards & more gold trophies), but these items can also be obtained outside of events.

All boxes equally contain 1 event SSR and SR, two Premium tokens, and 50 gems each, which are the limited items with the most worth. If all of the limited items are obtained before the box is fully depleted, you may choose to stop pulling from that box.


Players can easily clear out one box for an event badge and reach 1,150,000 tips, enough to bloom each event card at least once. (Note: previous SSR milestone was 1mil tips. The milestone is now 1.15mil as of event [#13] "Halloween")

It is difficult but not impossible to clear all boxes without spending gems. A player who uses up at least 14 hours worth of SP per day and spends 4-5 SP per battle may be able to achieve this feat.

Clearing out all three boxes is not necessary; doing so rewards only an additional event badge and 5 tokens, similarly to achieving Top 1.0% in a ranking event.

Personal average: ~275k tips/day (~13 hours worth of SP/day, did not always get full bloom victory)

Obtaining fully bloomed event cards is plausible within 5 full days of the event, or earlier if you're really lucky.

Overall, improv events are much easier and more relaxing than rank-based events.

Obtaining Free Gems

Dailies & Weeklies

  • 1 gem from daily login bonus (excluding bonus days).
  • 1 gem from completing all daily missions.
  • 5 gems from watching ads daily (Tap + at top right corner, "Get Gems", "Watch Video").
    • = 7 per day
    • = +49 per week
  • 5 gems from logging in 7 days in a week.
  • 5 gems from doing a show 21 times within the week.
    • = +10 per week

= 59 gems per week

= 236 gems every 4 weeks (28 days)

Daily Login Bonus

  • On certain days up until Day 400, you will receive bonus gems ranging from 5 to 20.

After Day 400, you will receive an additional 20 gems every 50 days of logging in.

= +~11.2 gems every 4 weeks (28 days)

= ~247 gems every 4 weeks

Other Bonuses

In short:

  • Ranking up can give either 5 Premium Tokens or 50 gems every five ranks, until Rank 200 where it is every 10 ranks.
  • Starting March 2020, 15 gems are given if the day is a character's birthday.
  • CYBIRD distributes gems to all players as compensation for things such as game-breaking bugs. And 30 gems have been given out for holidays like Christmas.

During Events

  • 20 gems from doing the four shows (Matinee, Soiree, Finale, Encore) for the 1st time.
  • 50 gems from fully completing all event practices (3 missions, 100% flair, watch play once).
  • 40-50 gems on average from rewards (max of 60 gems @1.5m Pts).
  • 11 gems from the event-exclusive story.
  • 1-4 gems from backstories of free N/R event cards (varies per event).
  • 0-11 gems from backstories of event gacha cards and SR/SSR reward cards (varies per event).

= ~130-140 gems during event, excluding dailies

After Events

  • 60 gems for ranking in T4 to T6 (5%-20%) on average (varies per player; max of 150 gems @T1).
  • 5 gems for doing a show for the 1st time after being permanently added to the list of shows (if troupe event).

= ~190-205 gems per event, on average

Gem Management Tips

After reaching Rank 100+ with your legendary actor management skills, you've reached the endgame of A3! where we all suffer in endless event hell -- or as I like to call it, a "gem management" game. These shiny red diamonds are the limited resource for pulling the gacha and for ranking, besides shelling out for premium gems with real money.

Free gems have little restrictions. The only things exclusive to premium gems are the infrequent 1-time "Special Actor Tryouts" that guarantee you a SSR, the "Start Dash Tryouts" (such as the one for new players) that allows you to choose a card of your liking, and the daily pull on Premium Tryouts for a discount. None of these are a necessity to progress.

Saving gems takes willpower, but it's not impossible!

  • Don't pull on every banner.
    • You could ignore banners that don't have an event attached to them, as there is currently no guaranteed "pity system" implemented.
    • Choose only a few actors ("best boys") to pull for. You could even ignore SRs and pull only for the SSRs. I ignore the featured SR of one of my best boys if I don't care for the featured SSR(s).
    • You could ignore a banner if you already own an actor's SSR card of the same attribute as the featured SSR. (See: Actor Management)
  • Don't pull just for R gacha cards (unless you're ranking in that event).
    • Event-exclusive badges that require the R card are purely aesthetic and reward only an extra jukebox track.
    • Outside of events, R cards aren't useful in shows in the long run. Trained SSR and SR cards have higher stats (and overall have better art).
  • Don't attempt to rank (Top 0.5% - Top 2%) in every event.
    • F2P have limited gems and cannot expect to obtain all of the event SSRs fully bloomed while still having gems left for the gacha. You do not need fully bloomed SSRs.
    • It's possible to obtain the event SSR reward (1.15mil Pts) and tier as high as T4 (Top 5%) without spending a single gem. Keep the amount of gems spent minimal for events if you're not ranking (0-20 gems).
    • Rank badges are for the "Itarus" and have no purpose outside of aesthetics and bragging rights. They reward 10 Premium Tokens (5 more than the other tiers) which aren't worth the additional gems spent to obtain them. (You can only show off a maximum of two badges on your profile anyway...)

About Premium Tokens

Premium tokens are a currency comparable to that of gems. They are considered to be worth more than a single pull (15 gems) but aren't nearly worth more than one multi-pull (145 gems).

They are currently obtainable from ranking up and from event rewards.

They can only be used for Premium Tryouts and the Birthday Tryouts (started in June 2020).

5 tokens give a single pull equivalent to the last pull of a multi-pull (guaranteed SR or higher).

  • Beginners should pull on a banner several times and/or use their tokens for some much-needed SRs and SSRs. Once you have a decent amount of initial cards and no longer rely on R cards, save your remaining tokens for the Birthday Tryout(s) of your choice.

Tapjoy Offers

Ads and Tapjoy offers are unique to the EN server and the majority of offers are only available for Android devices. Offers include surveys, quizzes, downloading promotional apps and reaching certain milestones in these apps to receive extra gems. The following thread contains lots of useful information about which offers to do and which offers to avoid.

General tips:

  • Before starting an offer, check the Play Store for ratings and reviews and search for the app to see if the offer has been completed before.
  • Don't make careless in-app purchases or you might end up spending more than what the reward is worth. If you are strictly F2P, ignore the offers that require you to purchase something. Some offers can be completed for free; all you need is patience.
  • Don't start an offer that will take days or weeks to complete while an A3! event is going on. Keep in mind that offers are time-limited and juggling between one and the event can be stressful.

Actor Management Tips

These tips mainly apply for Part 1 (A3!'s first year), when not many cards have been released yet and there are less team skill combos.

  • The ideal roster would be to have three SSRs of each actor covering all three attributes: one for Comedy, one for Action, and one for Drama.
  • If an SSR for that actor isn't available for the player to use, SRs are the next strongest cards. Fully bloomed, fully trained SRs are on par with unbloomed, untrained SSRs.
  • If neither an SSR nor SR of an actor is available, R cards are a last resort option. Training them is cheap, but they aren't useful in the long run.
    • A F2P exception for R cards is the R Drama Hisoka card. There will not be any event reward SSR/SR Hisoka cards in Part 1.
  • Owning more than one SSR of the same +Attribute of the same actor is not necessary and just for collecting purposes. (i.e. if you own the Sardines Yuki SSR which is +Action, you can ignore banners featuring a SSR +Action Yuki. This applies even more if your SSR is bloomed at least once). Keep in mind that future cards have "powercreep" and have higher stat totals than the initial cards, especially their strongest attribute. Whether these stronger cards are worth pulling for is up to the player.

Although you don't need a full team of fully bloomed SSRs all of the same attribute to pass shows for minimal SP, it's still useful to have a wide variety of cards. Event reward cards are especially important to get for F2P.

Optimized Card Attribute Distribution by Actor (Part 1)

Filter by card:
Sakuya DrSSRGacha: Sakura Diary DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts CoSSR Gacha: Have a Good Night!
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSRInitial: About to Bloom CoSRGacha: Future banner CoSRGacha: Mad Tea Party
Best: Drama [3] CoSREvent: A Clockwork Heart
F2P: Bad
Saku-Saku's +Dr cards are hard to get for F2P. Most will rely on his Clockwork SR.
Masumi AcSSRGacha: Say I Do! CoSSREvent: Alex in Wonderland CoSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSRGacha: Have a Good Night! CoSSRGacha: Future banner CoSRGacha: Boys Over Fruits
Best: Drama [3] CoSRInitial: About to Bloom
Massu's initial SSR is his best F2P card. +Co is locked behind gacha, but isn't as important to cover.
Tsuzuru AcSSRGacha: Magical Dog Circus DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts AcSSRGacha: A Nightmare on Veludo Way
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSSREvent: A Clockwork Heart AcSRInitial: About to Bloom
Best: Drama [2]
Tsuzuroon's initial SSR covers his otherwise weak Action stat. His Clockwork SSR also covers +Ac. For +Dr, his SR initial will do.
Itaru AcSSRGacha: Mad Tea Party CoSSREvent: Into the Night AcSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSRInitial: About to Bloom CoSRGacha: Say I Do! CoSRGacha: Campfire Bonds
Best: Drama [2] AcSRGacha: Cogs of a Waking Dream
Taruchi's initial SSR is his best F2P card. There will be an upcoming event SSR to cover +Ac.
Citron DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts DrSSREvent: Campfire Bonds AcSSRGacha: Cogs of a Waking Dream
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSRInitial: About to Bloom AcSREvent: Alex in Wonderland
Best: Drama [2] AcSRGacha: Future banner
F2P: Good
Ron-ron's initial SSR is his only +Co card. Other cards aren't Co at least. For +Dr, F2P rely on the Wonderland SR.
Tenma DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts DrSSRGacha: Sakura Diary CoSSREvent: Sparkling Summer Memories
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ CoSSRGacha: June Birthday Tryouts CoSRGacha: Lazy Sunday with the Cats
Best: Action [3] DrSSRGacha: Ticket to Ride CoSREvent: Captain Sky's Pirates
F2P: OK CoSRInitial: About to Bloom
Tenny's initial SSR is his only +Co card. +Ac Tenma SSRs are locked behind gacha. Other cards aren't Ac at least.
Yuki AcSSRGacha: July Birthday Tryouts CoSSREvent: The Great Sardine Search AcSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSRGacha: Japanese Culture Club CoSSRGacha: Boys Over Fruits AcSRGacha: Treasured Days
Best: Comedy [3] CoSRInitial: About to Bloom
F2P: Bad
Yukki's forte is Drama but it's his worst team skill attribute. F2P cards cover Action, but +Co Yuki is rare. His initial SSR has a good Comedy stat.
Muku AcSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts DrSSRGacha: Campfire Bonds AcSSRGacha: August Birthday Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSSRGacha: Treasured Days AcSSRGacha: Future banner
Best: Comedy [4] DrSREvent: The Great Sardine Search AcSRInitial: About to Bloom
F2P: OK DrSRGacha: Jiangshi Showdown!
Mukkun's SSR initial is his best F2P card (and only +Co card). Other cards aren't Co at least. +Ac and +Dr are locked behind gacha but aren't as important to cover.
Misumi DrSSREvent: Captain Sky's Pirates DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts CoSSRGacha: Midnight Ayakashi
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSRInitial: About to Bloom CoSSREvent: Future event reward coSSRGacha: June Birthday Tryouts
Best: Comedy [3] CoSREvent: Campfire Bonds
F2P: Good CoSRGacha: Hot Summer Gaze
Sumi has good F2P options that can cover Comedy well or at least decently. +Ac and +Dr aren't as important to cover. Bless God Sankaku-kun!
Kazunari DrSSRGacha: The Great Sardine Search DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts AcSSRGacha: Say I Do!
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSSREvent: hAve A greAt trip! DrSSRGacha: August Birthday Tryouts AcSRInitial: About to Bloom
Best: Comedy [4] DrSRGacha: Magical Dog Circus
F2P: OK DrSREvent: A Tag-Team Halloween
Kitty Kazu is a good card, and so is his Trip! +Co event SSR. Other cards aren't Co at least. +Ac isn't as important to cover.
Banri AcSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts CoSSRGacha: September Birthday Tryouts CoSSR Gacha: February Magic
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSSRGacha: Guilty Summer Rock Fest CoSRInitial: About to Bloom AcSSREvent: High Spirits at the Hot Springs
Best: Action [3] AcSREvent: The Stranger
F2P: OK AcSREvent: Future event reward
Settsu's forte is Drama and his F2P cards cover +Dr, but he has more Action team skills which he lacks cards for. +Co isn't as important to cover.
Juza DrSSRGacha: Hot Summer Gaze CoSSRGacha: Way of the Yakuza CoSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSSREvent: Future event reward CoSRInitial: About to Bloom CoSSRGacha: September Birthday Tryouts
Best: Action [3] DrSRGacha: No Man's Land CoSRGacha: Wandering Highway
F2P: Bad CoSRGacha: Ticket to Ride
Hyodo's Yakuza gacha SSR is a good card. Lacks F2P options, but other cards aren't Ac at least.
Taichi DrSSRGacha: Future Birthday Tryouts DrSSRGacha: No Man's Land AcSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSRInitial: About to Bloom DrSREvent: Sparkling Summer Memories AcSSRGacha: Jiangshi Showdown!
Best: Action [3] DrSREvent: Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer AcSRGacha: Guilty Summer Rock Fest
Stranger Taichi is a good card. +Ac is the most important to cover. +Co and +Dr aren't as important.
Omi DrSSREvent: The Stranger DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts CoSSRGacha: Future Birthday Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSSREvent: A Tag-Team Halloween DrSREvent: Blazing Beachside Passion CoSRGacha: Say I Do!
Best: Action [2] DrSRInitial: About to Bloom
F2P: OK DrSRGacha: Way of the Yakuza
Ma's initial SSR is a good card. +Dr Omi SSRs are locked behind gacha.
Sakyo AcSSRGacha: Future Birthday Tryouts CoSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts CoSSREvent: Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSRGacha: February Magic CoSSRGacha: Say I Do! AcSRInitial: About to Bloom
Best: Drama [3] CoSRGacha: Chimes in the Summer Wind CoSRGacha: Future banner
Frooch has a future +Dr event SSR which is a good card. +Ac isn't as important to cover as Sakyo lacks additional Action skills compared to his troupe members. Lacks +Co cards, but isn't as important to cover either.
Tsumugi AcSSRGacha: February Magic CoSREvent: My Master's Mesmerized by Mystery AcSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSSRGacha: Future Birthday Tryouts CoSSRGacha: Say I Do!
Best: Drama [2] AcSRInitial: About to Bloom
F2P: OK AcSREvent: Nocturnality
Tsumu-Tsumu's initial SSR is a good card, as well as his Wedding gacha card. For +Ac, the Mystery SR will do. He doesn't have any +Ac SSRs in Part 1.
Tasuku DrSRInitial: About to Bloom DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts CoSSRGacha: Wandering Highway
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSREvent: High Spirits at the Hot Springs DrSSRGacha: Night Walkers CoSSREvent: Blazing Beachside Passion
Best: Action [3] DrSRGacha: A Nightmare on Veludo Way CoSREvent: Future event reward
F2P: Good
Tax's initial SSR is a good card. His Beachside SSR is another good card. +Co isn't as important to cover.
Hisoka DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts CoSSRGacha: My Master's Mesmerized by Mystery CoSSRGacha: Japanese Culture Club
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSRGacha: Sakura Diary DrSRInitial: About to Bloom CoSSRGacha: Future Birthday Tryouts
Best: Drama [3] CoSRGacha: Among the Autumn Leaves
F2P: Awful
ALL of Hisoka's cards are locked behind gacha. That +Dr Hisoka R card will come in handy. (Peeked at Part 2, and his F2P options still aren't great...)
Homare AcSSRGacha: Among the Autumn Leaves DrSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts AcSSREvent: My Master's Mesmerized by Mystery
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ DrSRGacha: Midnight Ayakashi AcSRInitial: About to Bloom
Best: Comedy [5] AcSRGacha: Night Walkers
Aririn has a whopping 5 team skills for Comedy, yet lacks +Co cards. Other cards aren't Co at least. +Dr isn't as important to cover as Homare lacks additional Drama skills compared to his troupe members. +Ac is the least important to cover.
Azuma AcSSRGacha: Chimes in the Summer Wind CoSRGacha: February Magic CoSSRInitial: Premium Tryouts
⇧ ⇧ ⇧     ⇧ ⇧ ⇧ AcSRInitial: About to Bloom CoSSREvent: Nocturnality
Best: Drama [4] AcSREvent: Into the Night AcSRGacha: My Master's Mesmerized by Mystery
F2P: Good
Azu's initial SSR is a good card. For the unlucky, his Nocturnality SSR covers +Dr. For +Co, his SRs will do. +Ac isn't as important to cover.

Using the table:

  • Attribute: There are three types of shows -- Comedy (Co), Action (Ac), and Drama (Dr).
  • Stats: Every card has a strong stat, a good stat, and a weak stat.
  • Forte [⇧ ⇧ ⇧]: The actor's best attribute. You will never find a card of the actor that has this attribute as their weak stat.
  • Weak stat []: The weakest stat on that card.
  • Best [#]: This actor's overall best attribute for team skill combinations and the total number of skills they have of this attribute.
  • F2P: How F2P-Friendly this actor's cards are in Part 1. Factors considered are the ratio of gacha-only to event reward cards, rarity of F2P cards, and if the actor's F2P cards help with their best team skills.
  • Gacha: Not F2P-Friendly. Currently, can only be obtained from pulling the gacha banner. These cards are limited.
  • Event: Accessible to F2P. These cards are given out as event prizes and are limited.
  • Initial: Accessible to F2P. These cards are not limited and always have a chance of being pulled.
  • Future: These cards are not yet available on the EN server. Upcoming tryouts and events can be predicted based on the past JP scouts and events.

All R cards are unlisted as they are typically irrelevant.

As more cards are released, certain SR gacha cards will be unlisted if there are two or more F2P-accessible variants (initial and event SSRs/SRs). (i.e. Tsuzuru's "Sakura Diary" card is +Ac SR, but he has a more accessible initial +Ac SSR and the Clockwork event reward +Ac SSR)

There are additional unlisted cards such as collab cards and cards outside of regular banners and events. It is unknown if these cards will be available in the EN server.

Initial SSRs ranked from best to worst:

  • 1.
    Muku, since he has no other +Co cards in Part 1 and has 4 Comedy team skill combos.
  • 2.
    Tenma. Like Muku, this is his only +Co card. Although Citron also has only one +Co card, Comedy is his forte, while Tenma's other cards usually have Comedy as its weak stat. He has 2 Comedy team skill combos, including the Summer troupe skill.
  • 3.
    Sakuya and
    Hisoka simply because they lack F2P-accessible cards.
  • 4. Any other initial SSR that isn't listed (all good cards).
  • 5.
    Misumi is just decent. He has one Action team skill, but it is exclusive. Action is his forte so it isn't as important to have his +Ac card either.
  • 6.
    Yuki, since he has one of the worst team skills for his strong attribute. This card is instead used for its good stat, Comedy, as +Co Yuki cards are rare. Yuki's other cards usually have Comedy as its weak stat.
  • 7.
    Banri and
    Taichi are below average. Both have only one 12% team skill for their strong stat, but they can at least stack with their respective troupe team skills.
  • 8.
    Juza, and
    Homare, since they have the worst team skills for their strong stat. These cards are nothing special and can be replaced with any other card of that actor.

Would recommend this list for rerolling -- actor preferences aside.

Full List of Cards (Contains spoilers for future banners)

Final point borders of previous events (T1 - T6)

No. Event Type Date Event Duration T1 (0.5%) T2 (1.0%) T3 (2.0%) T4 (5.0%) T5 (10.0%) T6 (20.0%) % at 1.15m+ Pts (SSR) Players per 0.5% Total Players
#01 Alex in Wonderland Troupe Dec 5th - Dec 15th, 2019 10d 5h 2,671,327 Pts 2,200,990 Pts 1,834,932 Pts 1,265,400 Pts 1,152,745 Pts 472,226 Pts 10.3% (~1,504 Players) 73 ~14,600
#02 The Great Sardine Search Troupe Jan 9th - Jan 19th, 2020 10d 5h 2,212,863 Pts 2,002,217 Pts 1,763,167 Pts 1,241,248 Pts 1,080,881 Pts 482,609 Pts 9.1% (~1,219 Players) 67 ~13,400
#04 The Stranger Troupe Feb 12th - Feb 22nd, 2020 10d 5h 2,656,904 Pts 2,435,252 Pts 2,015,461 Pts 1,280,489 Pts 1,156,825 Pts 506,562 Pts 10.6% (~1,293 Players) 61 ~12,200
#06 My Master's Mesmerized by Mystery Troupe Mar 16th - Mar 25th, 2020 9d 2h
2,315,114 Pts 1,986,752 Pts 1,743,040 Pts 1,205,584 Pts 1,037,020 Pts 518,067 Pts 7.9% (~893 Players) 56 ~11,300
#08 A Clockwork Heart Troupe Apr 20th - Apr 29th, 2020 9d 2h
2,637,741 Pts 2,314,420 Pts 1,984,602 Pts 1,319,945 Pts 1,186,876 Pts 563,635 Pts 11.1% (~1388 Players) 62 ~12,500
#10 Captain Sky's Pirates Troupe May 28th - June 6th, 2020 9d 3h
3,108,242 Pts 2,596,067 Pts 2,180,553 Pts 1,354,357 Pts 1,194,446 Pts 516,946 Pts 11.6% (~1949 Players) 84 ~16,900
#12 Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer Troupe June 29th - July 8th, 2020 9d 4h
2,987,583 Pts 2,492,120 Pts 2,088,028 Pts 1,358,293 Pts 1,220,351 Pts 568,387 Pts 12.0% (~1992 Players) 83 ~16,600
#14 Nocturnality Troupe Aug 5th - Aug 14th, 2020 9d 2h
2,724,025 Pts 2,379,284 Pts 2,017,893 Pts 1,330,283 Pts 1,194,863 Pts 576,874 Pts 11.6% (~1856 Players) 80 ~16,000
No. Event Type Date Event Duration
#03 Operation: Campfire Bonds Seasonal Jan 26th - Feb 5th, 2020 10d 5h 17,052 Pts 14,742 Pts 13,295 Pts 10,300 Pts 7,900 Pts 4,219 Pts 4.2% (~512 Players) 61 ~12,200
#05 High Spirits at the Hot Springs Seasonal Mar 1st - Mar 10th, 2020 9d 3h 22,525 Pts 19,885 Pts 17,008 Pts 12,163 Pts 10,538 Pts 4,871 Pts 6.5% (~774 Players) 59 ~11,900
#07 Sparkling Summer Memories Seasonal Apr 5th - Apr 14th, 2020 9d 2h
17,734 Pts 15,673 Pts 14,123 Pts 11,573 Pts 9,081 Pts 4,499 Pts 5.9% (~714 Players) 60 ~12,100
#11 Into the Night! Seasonal June 14th - June 23rd, 2020 9d 3h
26,770 Pts 22,776 Pts 19,395 Pts 13,195 Pts 12,024 Pts 5,687 Pts 12.1% (~2020 Players) 83 ~16,700
#15 hAve A greAt trip! Seasonal Aug 20 - Aug 28, 2020 9d 4h
21,632 Pts 20,011 Pts 17,332 Pts 12,152 Pts 10,675 Pts 4,955 Pts 8.5% (~1,326 Players) 78 15,600~
No. Event Type Date Event Duration
#09 Blazing Beachside Passion Improv May 11th - May 20th, 2020 9d 2h
#13 A Tag-Team Halloween Improv July 20th - July 29th, 2020 9d 4h


  • The number of players who reach the event SSR milestone (1.15mil) increases dramatically on the last day. Less than 1.0% of all players have the event SSR in the first two days of an event.
  • Reaching the event SR milestone (700k Pts) currently guarantees a placement in the Top 20%.
  • The events considered highly competitive so far are: "Pirates" [#10], "Ginji" [#12], "Stranger" [#04], "Clockwork" [#08], "Wonderland" [#01], and "Into the Night!" [#11].
  • "Pirates" [#10] has borderlines skewed higher than all of the previous events. This will set a new precedent for future events due to the availability of bonus points from the Birthday cards starting from June 2020.
  • Events used to be 10 days long, but have now become 9 days as of "Hot Springs" [#05].
  • The events considered less competitive so far are: "Campfire Bonds" [#03], followed by "Sardine Search" [#02]. During the first seasonal event, there were a notable lack of supports compared to other events. The bloomed Citron card is currently the rarest event card.
  • As more players become competitive, borderlines will be higher on average despite events being a day shorter.
  • T4 (Top 5.0%) is the least competitive tier out of the first five tiers. T4 (5%) and T5 (10%) mostly consist of players who have stopped playing shortly after reaching the 1.15mil milestone.
  • The "Pirates" event has the highest amount of of players who participated in the event thus far. An estimated number of players who start playing on the 1st day of an event is about 60% of the final participation total (~10,400 players played within the 1st full day of "Pirates" [#10], which is roughly 61.5% of the final participation total).

Simplified Team Skills Table (Part 1 Only)

Filter by actor:
Tenma Yuki Muku Misumi Kazunari 48%
Muku Juza Hisoka Azuma 36%
Sakuya Masumi Tasuku 24%
Citron Misumi Homare 24%
Yuki Muku Homare 24%
Muku Kazunari Sakyo 24%
Misumi Tsumugi Azuma 24%
Tsuzuru Citron 12%
Tsuzuru Homare 12%
Itaru Homare 12%
Tenma Banri 12%
Yuki Omi 12%
Kazunari Taichi 12%
Kazunari Homare 12%
Banri Juza Taichi Omi Sakyo 48%
Sakuya Tenma Banri Tsumugi 36%
Tsuzuru Omi Tasuku 24%
Citron Yuki Tasuku 24%
Tenma Juza Taichi 24%
Muku Misumi Hisoka 24%
Sakuya Juza 12%
Masumi Tenma 12%
Masumi Yuki 12%
Itaru Banri 12%
Itaru Taichi 12%
Kazunari Azuma 12%
Tsumugi Tasuku 12%
Hisoka Homare 12%
Sakuya Masumi Tsuzuru Itaru Citron 48%
Tsumugi Tasuku Hisoka Homare Azuma 48%
Citron Kazunari Sakyo Azuma 36%
Sakuya Masumi Banri 24%
Sakuya Hisoka Azuma 24%
Misumi Sakyo Azuma 24%
Masumi Hisoka 12%
Tsuzuru Omi 12%
Itaru Tsumugi 12%
Tenma Yuki 12%
Muku Juza 12%
Taichi Tasuku 12%
Omi Sakyo 12%

About team skills

Up to six actors can activate up to a maximum of three team skills (five from your roster plus one guest). Team skills with higher boosts take priority.

Besides relying on boosted stats from event cards, it's important to use unique actors and combinations to pass shows using minimal SP.

Team skills that can be stacked/overlapped on top of other skills are all important to cover due to the limited actor slots. The total boost can reach as high as 72%.

Team skills that are exclusive to just those actors are arguably less important to cover as they cannot be stacked on top of other team skills, and may be ignored in favor of other cards and combos depending on the player's roster.

The following team skills are currently exclusive (maximum boost of 48% with six actors):

  • Muku + Misumi + Hisoka (24%) and
    Hisoka + Homare (12%)
  • Sakuya + Masumi + Tasuku (24%)
  • Kazunari + Azuma (12%)
  • Tenma + Yuki (12%)
  • Muku + Juza (12%)

If you're not familiar with the actors by name, the wiki guide has images.

There is a useful filter in-game to search for a specific actor.

Event Prize List past 1.5mil Pts (1.6mil - 3.5mil and beyond)

After obtaining all of the main event prizes, there is a repeating set of prizes every 100,000 pts obtained (1,000 for Seasonal).

Pts Milestone Prize Amount
1,600,000 Limited Kame Box x4
1,700,000 Limited Bento x2
1,800,000 Spring Buds x5
1,900,000 Summer Buds x5
2,000,000 Autumn Buds x5
2,100,000 Winter Buds x5
2,200,000 Limited Kame Box x2
2,300,000 Limited Bento x1
2,400,000 R Coach Card x3
2,500,000 R Coach Card x3
2,600,000 R Coach Card x3
2,700,000 Limited Kame Box x2
2,800,000 Limited Bento x1
2,900,000 Spring Flowers x4
3,000,000 Summer Flowers x4
3,100,000 Autumn Flowers x4
3,200,000 Winter Flowers x4
3,300,000 Limited Bento x1
3,400,000 Supporting Actor Trophy x3
3,500,000 Lead Actor Trophy x3

Ranking as F2P

This section isn't necessarily a guide, but perhaps it can provide insight for those who haven't touched the top ranks.


Ranking as F2P (Method 1)

Strategy: Itaru-esque (Gacha)

Why be on the front page when all you need is the borderline?

Here's my experience with "The Stranger", the first event I attempted to rank in. Overall it was one of the more competitive events. It was such a fun and enjoyable experience and I would love to rank again in the future. If you haven't ranked before, I would totally recommend trying it out!

(Contains story spoilers for "The Stranger")

Feb 12 and 13 ("Day 0 (5 hours)" & Day 1):
My ranking isn't as bad as I expected. 9.9% within the first 5 hours then 3.0% on second day. Off to a good start!

Feb 14 (Day 2):
Pts: 647,869 (1.1%). Total gems spent: 34.
Kame left: 1.

Feb 15 (Day 3):
Pts: 915,453 (1.0%). Total gems spent: 70.
Kame left: 0.

Feb 16 (Day 4):
Got Omi's SSR today. Used up 15 tickets.
Was at 1.0% all day, went to 0.9% after getting the SSR.
Pts: 1,244,313 (0.9%). Total gems spent: 90. Kame left: 0.

Feb 17 (Day 5):
Was at 0.8% fairly consistently, managed 0.7% by the end of the day.
Pts: 1,493,321 (0.7%). Total gems spent: 103.
Kame left: 0.

After 5 days into the event, I feel like people are slowing down a bit from a lack of gems. On the 6th day I barely dropped % at all. I am contemplating whether to try to get into the 0.5%. Spending 50 gems at this point will help me reach the bottom of 0.5%, while 100 more gems will get me in 0.4%. I might think about doing a sneak attack closer to the end of the event, depending on how much the border grows first during those brutal last days. If it's really that crazy then I'll just focus on staying in Top 1.0% instead.

Feb 18 (Day 6):
Pts: 1,744,777 (0.6%). Total gems spent: 122.
Kame left: have 3 boxes from the 1.6m reward.
Trying to stay in 0.6% so that I have the opportunity to do a sneak attack on the final day. xD
After 6 days of the event, the Top 0.5% border has already surpassed Campfire Bonds' final Top 0.5% border. At this rate it may even surpass Alex in Wonderland's.

Feb 19 (Day 7):
Pts: 1,979,236 (0.5%). Total gems spent: 130.
Kame left: 0 :(

Trying to keep steady in 0.6% close to the bottom of 0.5%, but not surpassing it... oops didn't mean to but did surpass it at one point due to a surprise encore. Now enjoying 0.5% at times :p Maybe I should try to get into 0.4 and worry less about dropping out of T1. The gap for that is another ~24 gems worth of points...
I think I have enough bento for the rest of the event. Unless Matinee keeps showing up.
At this point you wish for the event to end...

Feb 20 (Day 8):
Got the 2 kame boxes reward.
Pts: 2,205,324 (0.4%). Total gems spent: 143.
Kame left: 2.
Did my attack into 0.4%/top of 0.5% starting today, taking advantage of the rank up LP, and try to maintain 0.5% (expect to drop a bit) on the last day.
A total of 150 gems spent would be ideal since its the 0.5% reward prize :p But it's expected to become hectic in the last day so... Hoping not to spend over 200 gems.

Feb 21 (Day 9):
Pts: 2,375,607 (0.4%). Total gems spent: 143.
Kame left: 1.

I'm quite ahead now and am not worrying about my rank so much, which is a nice change of pace. Just gotta keep up the rank!
Having some trouble sleeping the last two days tho :( Hope to get some good sleep after it finally ends.
Have a gap of about 40 gems (150k Pts) to 0.5% border.

Feb 22 (Day 10, last day):
(At least I have 5 bento - enough for the whole day)
The border is catching up faster and faster. Still confident I can stay in 0.5... barely.
I even used 2 SP on a Soiree bc I thought it was a Finale. I am so out of it right now. I still pop up on the bottom of 0.4% (even after all these mess ups) but that's because the point gaps have become much closer, but I better pay attention for the rest of the day.
I haven't done any Encores if it means spending even one gem. This event isn't getting any more of my gems :(

@8:00AM PST: 24 gem gap (0.4) 75k
@3:00PM: 19 gem gap (0.5/0.4) 60k
@5:00PM: 14 gem gap (0.5/0.4) 44k
@7:00PM: 11 gem gap (0.5/0.4) 35k
@8:30PM: 9 gem gap (0.5) 30k

The 0.4% top is 2.603m Pts. The bottom of 0.5% is 2.502m Pts. So there is only a ~100k point difference between 24 players. 0.6% bottom is 2.408m, so another 12 players have a ~100k point difference between them.
Looks like some have given up on 0.5%, but surprise last-minute people are spending gems like crazy and sneaking in 0.5.
Luckily it looks like I'm just barely able to rank up one more time for some much needed SP.

@9:30PM: 12 gem gap (0.5) 36k (Ranked up)
@10:50PM: 6 gem gap 19k while waiting for SP to refill... without that rank up I am forced to spend more gems :o
@11:00PM PST: 4 gem gap 12k !@#$% I NEED TO SPEND
@11:10PM: 6 gem gap 20k. Spent 5 gems. reached 2.6m Pts
@11:25PM: 6 gem gap, 20k. Spent 7 gems
@11:30PM: !@#$% I THINK IM DED. 2 gem gap 5k... wut happened
@11:45PM: 10 gem gap 30k. I think I'm ok... but frantically checking ranking every minute.
@11:50PM: 6 gem gap, 18k. Didn't spend anything more or do practices, but have a finale ready just in case.
@11:59PM: I AM EXACTLY ON THE BORDER !@#$%!@#$%!!! The person below is about 6k pts away...?!
*Waits the full 10 minutes of maintenance dreadfully*
After maint: 4x SSR Omi. *Faints* Free at last...

FINAL PTS: 2,656,904 Pts

Post-event analysis: the gap between me and the player below was actually 6,842 Pts. A Finale gives a base 4,952 Pts so 6,752 Pts with the two event reward cards, one copy of each fully bloomed ++ gacha card and SSR ++ guest support, so I -might- have been safe either way. ...unless they got an Encore or if they had 4+ fully bloomed event cards. o.O

Day Total Pts Difference Top Gems Spent Total Gems
0 41,774 n/a 9.9% 0 0
1 258,002 +216,228 3.0% 0 0
2 654,096 +396,094 1.1% +34 34
3 951,047 +296,951 1.0% +36 70
4 1,244,313 +293,266 0.8% +20 90
5 1,493,321 +249,008 0.7% +13 103
6 1,744,777 +251,456 0.6% +19 122
7 1,979,236 +234,459 0.5% +8 130
8 2,205,324 +226,088 0.4% +13 143
9 2,375,607 +170,283 0.4% 0 143
10 2,656,904 +281,297 0.5% +21 164
Average: 261,513

Had the fully bloomed SSR and R event cards both with lead skill lv 10, an unbloomed SR, and an extra unbloomed SSR I could use for Action shows.

Average bonus points: ~1,350.

  • SP usage: Soirees - 1 SP (range: normally level 18 to 24. level 21/22 avg). Very rarely could I go as high as level 27. The range was large because my Action team was really strong, but my Drama team was lacking.
  • Finales - always 2 SP.
  • Encores - 4 SP for Co/Dr, 3 SP for Ac.
  • Final ranking: 2,656,904 Pts - 0.5%. Right on the borderline (#61).
  • Total gems spent to rank in T1: 164. Doesn't seem like a lot, but I played everyday and spent a ton on the gacha so...
  • If I didn't spend those 164 gems, I would have been in T3 (2.0%) with an estimated 2.15mil Pts.
  • I ranked up a total of 8 times during the event (140 to 148).
  • I had more than enough Bento and didn't spend any gems to refill LP.
  • Average Pts per day: 261,000. This is almost double my normal amount (135,000 without gacha cards or gems).
  • Average support usage: 110 times per day.
  • I did get (some) sleep, but stayed up for the Bloodbath. I was playing constantly during the last hour (though I slowed down in the last 15 minutes when I probably shouldn't have).

From this event, I learned that "clowns" really do exist. You thought one fully bloomed card of an actor was enough. No. These "Itarus" go for MULTIPLE FULLY BLOOMED gacha cards, even of the same actor. Their team would be for example one Taichi ++, two Juzas ++, and two Sakyos ++. Unless they were extremely lucky with getting constant Encores, this is the only way I can explain why some players could get past me in the ranks quicker than I had anticipated, because their bonus points reached 2,000+ per show compared to my average of ~1,350.

Ranking as F2P (Method 2)

Strategy: No Gacha (Refills) - with Birthday T/O exception

Don't mess with Sankaku stans.

"Captain Sky's Pirates" was the second event I attempted to rank in. This was by far one of the most competitive events ever!

I tried another method to rank - this time without the use of the associated event gacha cards. However, I pulled for and used the Birthday gacha cards as soon as they were made available.

The method of ranking doesn't change much even without the Birthday cards.

For this event, I wanted to see how far I could get on day 1. My goal was to try to get Misumi's SSR within the first day!

Day 0 (May 28th):
Looks like the event started one hour earlier. I played a little before sleeping to get a head start.

Day 1 (May 29th):
Ranking up near the beginning of the event with bad timing sucks. It took forever to deplete all 10 SP since all shows only cost 1 SP. Plus I never got encores and keep getting matinee...

I used up all the kame I could get ASAP and saved all my bentos for the event. (Got a surplus of trophies and coaches from previous grinding :p)
I'm getting bored already LOL it sure feels unrewarding to do this without gacha cards :(
I'm hovering in Top 1% right now. Feels kinda crazy just throwing away all my gems xD

Soon, I started running into issues with not having any good guest supports to use. At times I would switch to the 2 SP finale strategy or use the "wait to update list" trick.
I managed to get the event SR within 20 hours of the event starting, only to find out it's useless. I noticed the event SSR, when maxed, had a max stat of only 5940.

...oh right, they have the gacha cards xD
So far have been relatively stable in 0.7% (until I sleep)
To avoid spending gems on LP, I kept track of the bentos I would receive from future event prizes and daily logins, and kept in mind that I'd likely rank up 4-5 more times.
I plan to slow down on gem spending after getting the SSR.
End of day 1: 847,962 Pts (0.7%). Total gems spent: 209.
Used: All kame, 6 bento, 2 onigiri. Ranked up twice

Day 2 (May 30th):
Played on/off never letting SP cap besides rank-up (was close once!), gem spending is slowing down already due to limited LP.
why matinee why matinee why matinee :(
encore pls encore pls encore pls :(
no ++ Kazu no ++ Kazu no ++ Kazu :(
Having more trouble with Comedy than Drama D: The "waiting to update" trick works sometimes. Ok got my boy Misumi (hit 1.15mil) within 39 hours of the event starting!! I should have less of a problem with Comedy now.
Also trained up all my SSRs for max bonuses, but the difference is so minimal. Will still have trouble with Comedy if the + Kazu's lead skill is low...

A quick analysis of the top ranks.
0.1-0.2% has players with at least 2mil points (@1PM PDT)
But then the point gap increases dramatically in 0.3% (bottom is ~1.42mil) and then bottom of 0.4% is ~1.28mil.

Continued to switch back to 1h 30m strat at times, spending a few gems on SP here and there.
But I don't wanna slow down yet :p Having so many points right away feels kinda exciting LOL. But the bentos shall limit me.
...or maybe I'll spend gems on LP refills... it feels like such a waste tho...
Here I lost count of the exact # of gems I spent so I went back to recount xD

Having issues with Drama too as expected. ++ Yuki with Lead skill 1 isn't enough ;;
End of Day 2 Pts: 1,358,848 (0.5%). Total gems spent: 329.
Used: All kame, 3 bento, 3 onigiri. Ranked up once.
Left: 1 bento, 2 onigiri, 1 non-limited bento.

The numbers for this event are INSANE. I wouldn't be surprised if the borders become much higher than any other event's. So far there seems to be higher competition than Stranger! 3mil pts for T1 could be possible at this rate.
I was hoping to spend around 650-700 gems total (didn't account for LP tho). I think that number will end up being 800+. Uh maybe I should have pulled on the gacha LOL Getting the BDay cards will help!

Day 3 (May 31st):
Slowing down... doing 1h 30m strat and praying for good support cards. Hopefully I won't have this problem so much when I get the BDay cards.
After using all SP I went back into 0.5%. The borderline didn't increase too much, so I think the top players who depleted all their items are starting to slow down now (while the rest will catch up).
I have one non-limited bento, which I'm probably gonna end up using. Don't really need it for anything else anyway. My LP is already gone ;;

...I had bento.
Now they're gone. And it's only 4PM.
Press F to pay respects
Here's the strat. When I'm close to ranking up (85-90%) and have a lot of LP remaining, I go on "non-stop playing mode" to rank up ASAP and temporarily switch back to the "splurge gems" strat, since I don't want to waste regen/excess LP.
Reached 1.6m (4x kame) at 6PM. Now I'm like 100k above the border xD The gaps are still huge atm but they'll start shrinking over time.

*tfw 4 ++Yuki's finally show up on support*
...I had kame boxes.
Now they're gone. And it's only 7PM.
Press F to pay respects
Well didn't need to save 'em since I'm gonna spend several hundred more gems later xD
Ahhh ran out of LP but had two unused SP ;; wasted but what can I do? Need to sleep :p
Pts: 1,744,740 (0.5%). Total gems spent: 385.
I have: 2 bento, 1 non-limited bento. Ranked up once.

Day 4 (June 1st):
I'm gonna save those bento @1.7mil and use them wisely. Point gaps are still huge right now. Still at a standstill in 0.5%. I'm at about a 150k gap to the borderline.
Yes the BDay T/Os are finally here!!! :D
...I spent way too much on the BDay T/Os D: Terrible luck... Only got one copy of Misumi from 190 tokens. Ouch. Then pulled 1x Misumi and 2x Tenma with 1305 gems (9 multi-pulls).
On top of having already spent so many gems on the event. And I was even thinking about pulling some more to fully bloom them... yep I'm crazy. xD
Their multipliers are decent when bloomed and would be better when fully bloomed... but my gems... ;;
The bloomed + BDay cards give 225 bonus pts each. Not bad.
Pts: 1,943,834. Total gems spent: 404.
I have: 2 bento.

Day 5 (June 2nd):
The borderline's catching up already. Only 100k pts gap. Well, kinda expected at certain pt milestones (1.6m and 1.7m give out the juicy rewards, after all)
The final point borders are gonna be INSANE. I don't think even 2.8m is "safe" for T1.
The BDay cards are going to set a precedent from here on out with their bonuses.
Pts: 2,236,841 (0.4% - near bottom). Total gems spent: 448
I have: 2 bento. Ranked up once.

Day 6 (June 3rd):
Still at 0.4% (bottom of). Have around a ~200k pt gap.
The BDay cards are beautiful *o*
Avg bonus pts/show: ~625. as high as 875
Pts: 2,497,035 (0.4% - middle). Total gems spent: 475
I have: 2 bento.

Day 7 (June 4th):
About 200k pts gap to 0.5% border again. It sure catches up every time I wake up. xD I think it's a good idea to stay ahead.
Already ran out of LP @12PM :/ At 77% until next level up so relying on that!
Whenever I rank up I feel like I can't waste the LP :( But that means I then have to spend gems on SP to do shows so that I can use more LP...
Pts: 2,723,871 (0.4% - middle). Total gems spent: 497
I have: 1 bento. Ranked up once.

Day 8 (June 5th):
Starting to cancel level 10 Encores so that I could do them at level 9 for 3 SP. Ignoring them sometimes when I have no SP.
Gap to 0.5% is ~270k now, so I feel pretty secure.
Ran out of LP near the end of the day, but managed with natural regen.
Pts: 2,898,352 (0.4% - mid/low) total gems spent: 500
I have: 2 bento (got the last one @2.8mil).

Day 9 (June 6th):
Happy birthday, Misumi-kun! ♥

I have: 2 bento.
Slowly dropping down, close to bottom of 0.4%. I am trying to keep a distance of about 200k pts from the 0.5% border.
If I can maintain a 200k pts gap...
1:00PM: Ran out of LP :(
Gap is only 160k now, but there are still big point gaps in 0.6%. So I think I should be okay...
I'd say the "safe" amount of points for 0.5% is 3.1mil, and I've estimated spending around 27 gems to get there.
My 2 bento should be enough, will have to use one soon and have the other as a backup for gem spending.
So I ended up not "wasting" a single bento outside of the event.
Used 1 bento @2:30PM.

3:40PM: 145k pt gap - near bottom of 0.4%
Oh my, the border points are increasing dramatically. IMMA POOP MA PANTS!
6:00PM: 155k pt gap - dropped to 0.5% before using SP - HEART ATTACK!
Running out of LP again aaaahhh my last bento... so precious.
7:30PM: 140k pt gap - bottom of 0.4%, almost to rank up
9:15PM: 120k pt gap - right on edge of 0.4%
Getting nervous...
10:00PM: 3,050,380 Pts. 80k pt gap - SCARY
Ran out of LP. Used my very last bento and have a level up incoming, so no problems with LP at least ^^
Gotta keep playing during the Bloodbath though...
10:15PM: 90k pt gap

Ran out of SP and didn't want to spend too many more gems - did a daily practice when I had Actor's Rush ready instead of event practice to accelerate ranking up.
Risky choice, since I'll need as much LP and points as I can get.
There are some huge gaps in 0.6%. 100k pt difference between players WITHIN 0.6% - 2.84m and 2.74m. o.O
So I'm not -super- worried. I think competition in the other tiers are worse because the point gaps are extremely minimal (only thousands - 10 thousands).
10:30AM: Ranked up.
10:35PM: 90k pt gap
Now I have excess overflow LP. Did 5 more daily practices (6 total) while waiting for SP.
10:45PM: 80k pt gap
around 5 players in 0.6% near the borderline, the rest are left in the dust (~100k pt gap)
11:05PM: 60k pt gap - dropping fast in 0.5%
11:15PM: 65k pt gap - spent 3 more gems on an Encore
There are only 7 players who are in 0.6% near the borderline (2.85m @ #7), after that is 2.77m and below
11:30PM: 3,100,144 Pts. ~60k pt gap
11:35PM: ~55k pt gap
11:37PM: ~45k pt gap. Have a Finale ready.
11:40PM: ~35k pt gap. UMMM EXCUSE ME SLOW DOWN??!!??
It's a 25k pt gap between border of 0.5% and the player in 0.6% below. Only 5 players are in contention.
11:45PM: ~35k pt gap, but the player below 0.5% is catching up quick (~10k pt).
11:50PM: ~35k pt gap. Two players in 0.6% have caught up. Also I'm falling again aaaaaaaaaaa only 5 spots below me OMG
11:52PM: ~30k pt gap
11:55PM: ~30k pt gap, but I started spending gems again. HOLY MOLY DO THEY CATCH UP FAST
11:57PM: ~30k pt gap. AAAAA I SHOULD BE SAFE
11:59PM: ~25k pt gap. IT'S OVER... PHEW!
I overspent a little at the end there :p Better safe than sorry!

FINAL PTS: 3,131,880 Pts

Oh I really like the colours of the Sky's Crew Member badge~ c:
...At least until Taichi's lead play comes... *cries* (well maybe it won't be as bad since there are less Taichi stans?? But there's still a lot of players who stan Autumn troupe T_T)

Day Total Pts Difference Top Gems Spent Total Gems
0 15,919 n/a 22.8% 0 0
1 847,962 +832,043 0.7% +209 209
2 1,372,731 +524,769 0.5% +120 329
3 1,744,740 +372,009 0.5% +56 385
4 1,943,834 +199,094 0.5% +19 404
5 2,236,841 +293,007 0.4% +44 448
6 2,497,035 +260,194 0.4% +27 475
7 2,723,871 +226,836 0.4% +22 497
8 2,898,352 +174,481 0.4% +3 500
9 3,131,880 +233,528 0.5% +20 520
Average: 346,218

Did not pull on the associated event gacha (Treasured Days).

Used the unbloomed event SR (Tenma) very rarely. It was essentially useless with a mere 1.1x multiplier.

Used the unbloomed event SSR (Misumi) whenever I could. It was used around 33% of the time.

Did pull on the June Birthday Tryouts and had a bloomed + Misumi and bloomed + Tenma to use (starting from end of event Day 4). Used them as often as I could.

Average bonus points: ~275 (before getting event SSR), ~375 (after getting event SSR but before BDay T/O), ~650 (with BDay cards). The max bonus Pts I could get was 1,025 with a guest ++ Muku.

  • SP usage: Soirees - 1 SP (range: level 16 to 18. level 16/17 avg). Once I had the Birthday cards, I was able to do level 18 Soirees consistently, sometimes level 19, and very rarely level 20 for 1 SP.
  • Finales - always 2 SP. If I could not do a Finale for 2 SP, I either waited to update the support list or used the 2 SP Finale strategy.
  • Encores - always 4 SP.
  • Final ranking: 3,131,880 Pts - 0.5%, #75 (10th position from bottom of 0.5%). Gap of 23,638 Pts above the borderline.
  • Total gems spent to rank in T1: 520. Without the Birthday cards, this amount would be higher (estimated 650 gems).
  • If I didn't spend those 520 gems, I would have been in T4 (5.0%) with an estimated 1.85mil Pts.
  • I ranked up a total of 7 times during the event (186 to 193).
  • I needed ALL of the limited bento I could get for the event. I managed to not have to spend any gems to refill LP, but it was close. Without the Birthday cards, I likely would have had to spend 5-10 additional gems on LP.
  • Average Pts per day: ~346,000. This is about 2.5x my normal amount (135,000 without gacha cards or gems).
  • Average support usage: 18 times per day. Early usages were likely from being one of few players with the event SSR, then later usages from the Birthday cards.
  • Once again I stayed up for the Bloodbath, but this time I was more prepared. I was ahead by enough points to never worry too much.

For this event, the players who got exactly 3,333,333 Pts are my idols. Now I'm wondering how to manipulate event points. But I won't be ranking again anytime soon. xD

How to change font color and style

These apply to User Name, Heroine's Name, and Greeting in your profile.

[b] - bold

[c] - clears grey color of the words

[i] - italics

[s] - strikethrough

[u] - underline

[##] (00 to 99) - changes opacity

[######] (hex code) - change color

[########] (8 numbers total: hex code + opacity) - also changes grey color of the words and saves 1 character compared to using [c]

If changing color of your User Name, you can only have 5 characters max for your name because the character limit is 15.

The color will not change from the default grey unless you either clear it with [c] or change its opacity [99].

You cannot change the color of the Heroine's name due to the 10-character limit.


User Name




[c][FFAA66]hello world [3388FF]different color!

hello world different color!


  • Tweet by unyacorn (also includes hex codes for each character - spoilers for future characters)



I started playing in October of 2019 and wanted to help make information about A3! more accessible to the EN community. When I played my first event, it was initially new and exciting (Omg shows can pop up in the middle of practice?!). But as days went by, I soon felt exhausted and worried about not reaching the SSR reward in time. I panicked-trained when I was under a couple hundred points or so to passing a show and didn't want to "overboost", didn't know which team skills might give me enough points to pass, and wasted so many gems just to get 1.15mil Pts.

I am thankful to the Subreddit, the Wiki, and those who came from the JP/CN version giving tips on how to play the game more efficiently.

I'd be happy if this guide helped even a little. Perhaps it can spice up the competition a bit. ;)

Please enable Javascript to utilize all site features.


Sept 7th, 2020 [No Update]: I am hoping to update this guide sometime in the future, but for now will become outdated as Act 2 progresses. Act 2 is still new to the EN server, so just sit back and enjoy it! Please refer to A3's social media, subreddit, etc. for the newest updates. Apologies for the lack of maintenance.

June 13th, 2020 [Version 1.2]: Added info on Birthday Tryouts, added link to gem usage spreadsheet, updated "Ranking as F2P" (cleaned up formatting, added points tables, added a second ranking strategy), updated event guide ("sparkle icon" bonus, added "Show type and SP usage priority"), other minor edits.

May 19th, 2020 [Version 1.1]: Added improv event guide, how to change font color/style, and made minor changes and edits.

March 31st, 2020 [Version 1.0]: Site launch.